Thursday, November 27, 2008
Today I am thankful for...
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Saying Thank You
Friday, November 21, 2008
You won't believe this...
Friday, November 14, 2008
Three Goals
Today's Writing Prompt: Write about three realistic goals you'd like to achieve in your lifetime.
I’d like to:
Finish College
Be a Published Author
Inspire People
Monday, November 10, 2008
Favorite Place

This week's ethics questions
Are you comfortable with relying on your gut feeling to do the right thing in your business environment? How do you respond when an ethical issue arises at work?
Is it ethical to rely on the excuse, “I’m just doing what I was ordered to do,” even when your own sense of right and wrong bothers you?
Today's Quote
Is this true? It certainly contains some truth. Strong people will persevere through weak leaders and thrive under strong leaders.
I'm so glad the election is over. I'm ready to start moving forward again.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Random Thoughts on a Saturday Night

As for the election, I'm over it. It is what it is and now it's time to move on. I'm hoping we can move forward together and get things back on track.
I'm saddened to see the Linens and Things that just opene up by me a few months ago is going out of business. And the Circuit City that also just recently opened is closing as well. It worries me and I wonder if these companies don't plan in such a way to be able to withstand changes in the market. I would think a good business plan would include making sure your company could remain strong, or at least in business, should something affect your bottom line for a few months or a year.
Oh, and I put on some old jeans this morning and they fit! I didn't even have to lie on the bed to zip them up. Woot! :)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
On a lighter note
I hope we're wrong
I hope I'm wrong. I hope we're not moving towards a Socialist society.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Happy Election Day! Let's Pray...
It’s Election Day, at long last! This campaign has been going on for well over a year already and it’s really getting old. For better or for worse, I’m ready to move on to the next phase.
Elizabeth told me yesterday that she heard on the radio that New York is preparing for riots. Riots! Can you believe that?! It’s frightening.
I predict that we’re going to have another really close vote, like when Gore ran 8 years ago (was it 8 years?). In fact, I was saying yesterday that it should all be over today… hopefully.
I pray that God leads us in the right direction as a country and that the best candidate is chosen. I don’t believe that candidate is Obama. Sadly, I don’t even believe that candidate is McCain. It’s disappointing that we have two candidates that so many people are struggling to get behind either of. I wanted Romney myself. I’d like to see a return to the ideals of family, God and working together – things I believe he brought to the plate.
Dear God, please watch over us today.
Quote for today: “Do you want to trace your family tree? Run for public office.” – Patricia H. Vance, Pennsylvania state senator
Boy, isn’t that the truth?!