
Monday, April 13, 2015

Kaizen, Continuous Improvement and Lean Thinking #AtoZChallenge

Actually all three mean pretty much the same thing. About two years ago I read a book by Paul Akers, 2-Second Lean, and realized that I have always been a lean thinker; it's just who I am.

What does that mean? I am constantly trying to figure out better ways to do things, asking questions and trying to figure out the root of any given problem. I love problem solving.


If you're not sure where to start, I suggest clicking on that link above and getting that book (it's also available from Amazon and various other places) or the audiobook. You'll learn skills that will help you at home and at work. The book is short and fun to read, I highly recommend it.

You will also very likely clean out and organize your closet at home... it's a common side effect. :)

Continuous Improvement is (finally!) taking hold where I work, and it's really cool to see. How about you? Do you see an improvement movement in your world?

1 comment:

  1. I ain't got time to be more efficient!

    But I do applaud those people who can do it.
