
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Z is for Zoo

OK, I'm stretching things a bit.. I'm not really going to blog about the zoo - not that there's anything wrong with that. Nope, today I'm going to tell you the story of how BaZooka Joe let me down. Thanks to @LakeLopez.

When I was about 7 or 8 I knew that as soon as my father got home, I was in for a spanking. I have no recollection of what my offense was. I didn't get spanked too often that I can recall. Typically the fear of getting a spanking was more than enough.

So this one time, thanks to a Bazooka Joe cartoon on a gum wrapper (remember those?), I got the brilliant idea to put a hard cover Nancy Drew book down my pants to serve as a barrier between my bottom and my father's hand.

Bad idea.

Sure, it might work in the cartoons, but in real life your father feels the distinctly book-like shape with the first smack, pulls the book out and proceeds to spank you with the book.

It's the only spanking I remember from my childhood. Not that it was memorably painful, at least not to my bottom. No, it was one of those "best laid plans" tales gone awry. I'm sure it just thrills my father that it's now one of my favorite childhood stories. LOL

And that, my friends, brings us to the end of the A-Z Blogging Challenge. I'm pretty proud that I hit every single letter, on time. Sure, my topics were all over the place, but it has been a lot of fun. Plus, I've made several new friends and found a bunch of new blogs to follow!

Next up, the May Mother's Blog Hop. If you're interesting in joining in please contact @ChristineMarie on Twitter or let me know and I'll get you the info :)



    I thought you were going to lament about the complete rip-off the toy offers thru bazooka joe were. I saved up A MILLION wrappers and spent all my pennies at Dew Dew's candy shop on Morris Park Avenue in the Bronx and mailed them in with $4.95 shipping and handling and Bazooka Joe never sent my toy!

  2. Wow. You mean cartoons can lead us astray? Wish I'd known that before I bought that jet pack from the Acme Company. Thanks for sharing, and it's a pleasure to meet you via the A-Z Challenge that is now over!

  3. I see that you grabbed the award I have for you.

    We did it! Congratulations!

  4. Lol I love it. I remember many times thinking that I should do things that are inherently ridiculous because i saw them on TV/read in a book. I also would do things that didn't work on TV cause I would think that I could do them better. Most the time it did not work out.

    One time I wound up covering my hands in permanent marker and putting on gardening gloves and wearing them inside the house thinking that my parents would not notice.

    It took comet to get the marker off. I didn't need to be punished afterward, 3-4 layers of my skins was peeled away!
