
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Photography Challenge Day 11: Something Blue

With the new pool, I have several blue photos. 

Next up in the Photo Challenge: Sunset.

Note: If you'd like to do the challenge too, all of the days are listed here. I think there's an actual month long challenge, but I'm not doing it. I'm just doing them when I have time or just the right picture happens. If you like to take pictures, I encourage you to do the same. I'd love to see your photos too :) 

Smart(ass) Kid

Everyone wants their kid to be smart, I'm no different. Everyday I see in her talents that will one day lead to a successful career; some examples:

  • She'd make a great manager - she bosses us around all the time.
  • A food tester - assuming I can actually get her to taste it.
  • A Wal-Mart Door Greater - Anytime we go shopping she randomly hellos people. She also greets all of her classmates enthusiastically in the mornings, or so I am told.
  • IT Manager - she's really good with computers and has been for more than two years now.

A mischievous smile if I ever saw one... 

I also note a few things she probably won't excel at, like:

  • Babysitter - she carries her doll babies around by their hair. Note: she did not learn this from me. Also, they are always naked. Again, not something taught by mommy.
  • Lifeguard - she refuses to go under water.
  • Anything requiring a lot of patience. Note: I have no patience for this characteristic. I'm certain she got it from her father.

Angie sure is smart though, at least in my opinion. I've never been around small kids much, so I could be wrong, but I doubt it. Let me give you an example.

Last week on the way home from school (which is an hour drive) she tells me "Mom, I need to go potty."

"Can you hold it until we get home?"

"No, but I can hold it until we get to McDonald's..."

"But can you hold it until we get home?"

"Mom, I already told you," she says slowly and distinctly, "I. can. hold. it. until. we. get. to. McDonald's."

Smart ass kid, "but we're not. going. to. McDonald's. Can you hold it until we get home?"

Heavy sigh from the backseat, "yes..."

Mom 1, Angie 0.

She's 4. What's my life going to be like in 10 years??

In other news, I bought the book Monsters Eat Whiny Children, as I said I would. It's very cute and Angie loves it. Probably because it's fun for mommy to read. It's not scary at all.

However, one night when she was trying to delay going to bed (again) she said, "mommy, there's a monster in my closet."

"Honey, as long as you don't whine, the monster won't eat you"

She offered no further resistance and I went on to earn a Top Ten Tweet of the Week from @RubySpikes.

Mom 2, Angie 0

Don't worry though, the score is probably more like Mom 2, Angie 1,274. She certainly keeps me on my toes. For example she peed in my car the week prior to the day mentioned above, without even telling me that she had to go potty! So, the whole McDonald's ploy may have had pre-planning.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Today was a good day

Nomnom enjoyed her meals.

Angie helped make dinner.

Lenny made fried cauliflower, broccoli and shrimp.

Can't you just feel the love? I can :)

Photography Challenge Day 10: A childhood memory

Pooh Bear has always been with me, since the very first day of my life. I am almost positive that he was a gift from my Aunt Pat

Yes, I was a fat baby. 9 lbs. 2 oz. I was also a month late.

Pooh Bear has been "re-furred" twice over the course of his life, because I loved him bare. 

Hehe, a bare bear. 

I still have him. He now hangs out in my library with many of my other old toys and books, and every time I see him, I can't resist giving him a hug.

He's been with me through thick and thin for over 40 years. It's had to find a better friend.

He's not as fuzzy as he once was, and one of his eyes has been replaced, but he's still my best friend.

My friend Wendy (yes, I have a friend Wendy. No, I'm not referring to myself in 3rd person) linked me this yesterday and it seems so fitting I'm putting it here:

Image from

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Lady Bug Game

Recently I bought Angie The Lady Bug Game. Here's a short review.

The game is for kids aged 3 and up. There are small pieces, which seems to be the criteria for ages under 3. (I'm here to tell you that wanting to put everything in your mouth doesn't always stop at 3, but I digress).

It's very reasonably priced and actually quite a lot of fun. The game is simple enough for kids to grasp quickly, yet interesting enough to keep everyone involved until the end. There's no reading required, once the kids learn what the cards all mean (which didn't take long at all).

I find it to be enjoyable to play, which is good because I've played it several times a day since we got it.

I highly recommend this game for young children. It teaches them basic math skills, taking turns and how to win and lose well. And best of all, it's fun to play! :)

Photography Challenge Day 9: Someone you love

Since I take so many pictures, especially of Angie, this is a pretty easy challenge for me. I mean, I have literally thousands of pictures of her. People compliment me on my photos, but really when you take as many as I do, you're bound to get some great shots now and then. Just go look at some of my earlier pictorial posts of her.

If I had to pay to process film I'd be living under a bridge at this point. Thank God for digital cameras.

So, I figured that I'd take some pictures of my darling husband instead. However, although they're nice, they're not great examples of photography.

Since this is a photography challenge, I'll post a few recent shots that I really like.

I need to Photoshop this into a Forest scene. She looks like a Fairy.

This is now known as "the eating position" for our newest family member. Nom nom nom.

Look at that smile. OMG she's so beautiful.

Not the posed picture I took. My husband has a great smile too. I love this picture of him.

Really, I could go on and on with this particular photo challenge, but four photos is enough. Next up: A childhood memory.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My Very Own Fairy Godmother

I know you've heard of Fairy Godmothers, they've been around for awhile now...

Cinderella had one

Fiona had one

Well I'm not a princess, but I have one too. My Fairy Godmother goes by the name of "Aunt Pat". She's not really my Godmother and she's not really a Fairy, but she has always been one of the most special people in my life. I honestly don't think I would be where I am, or be the person I am today, without her.

Yesterday I came home to find these...

For me: To my girl, you are like the Daughter I never had. I Love You, Hugs and Kisses. Your Fairy Godmother Aunt Pat.

For Angie: To my girl, you are like the Granddaughter I never had. I Love You, Hugs and Kisses. Your Fairy Godmother Aunt Pat.

Mine and Angie's Very Own Fairy Godmother

Aunt Pat, I couldn't love you more if you had been my mother. Thank you... from both Angie and I... for everything. We love you very, very much!

Photography Challenge Day 8: A bad habit

So, today's photo challenge is "a bad habit". Well, there are lots of things I suppose I could photograph for that. I received several funny (and a few scary) suggestions from my Twitter friends when inspiration struck...

Friends don't let friends drink and Tweet. 

Ok... that's so not true (can anyone say #wineparty?). But still, it could be considered a bad habit, although often highly amusing for one's followers. 

This also explains this tweet from last night...

Tomorrow's challenge: someone you love - this should be easy :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Photography Challenge Day 7: Fruit

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit.

Wisdom is not putting it into a fruit salad. ~ Unknown

Next up on the photo challenge: A bad habit. O.o

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Photography Challenge Day 6: From a low angle

Today my daughter helped make my from a low angle picture interesting by making a mess of her room instead of napping. Thanks Angie!

Related... did you know that sarcasm is lost on 4 year olds?

Next up in the photo challenge: fruit.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bananas make everything better

I love bananas and for about the last year or so I've been adding them to recipes.

Brownies: no matter how you make the brownies, add a mashed up banana to the batter. They will turn out super moist and taste like what would happen if Banana Bread mated with a Brownie. Even the cheap mixes from the store will be improved.

Speaking of Banana Bread, this recipe is the best I have ever tasted. It's great as is, but I add an extra banana, cinnamon, nutmeg and sometimes peanut butter to the mix. Only add a big spoonful of peanut butter though, because more than that and you'll overpower the banana.

And finally pancakes. I use Bisquick. On the back of the box are directions to make "melt in your mouth" pancakes. Use this version - basically they have you add lemon juice (to make the milk buttermilky), sugar, vanilla and baking soda. I also add a mashed up banana, extra sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg. They are so good that you don't need to put syrup on them (although my husband still does).

Anyone else hungry? :)

Photography Challenge Day 5: From a high angle

This photo challenge was the hardest so far. I took a whole bunch of really awful pictures around the house. Finally I decided to climb the pool ladder and take a picture from up there.

I am not a big fan of heights, so this is about as high as I'm willing to get :)

Next up in the challenge: From a low angle. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Photography Challenge Day 4: Something Green - Meet Guido!

The fourth day of the Photography Challenge calls for something green, so I took a picture of...

Guido, the Guacamole Tree!

Yes, we grew him from a seed!

If you'd like to grow your own avocado tree, check out this How To

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I'm Famous Now!

Earlier this week my boss asked me to copy three change orders for him. I gave the originals and the copies back to him. He calls me three minutes later...

"I think there was a mistake, I don't have a copy of all of these change orders"

"Do you have six pieces of paper?" I asked.



"Can you go look on the copy machine?"


Later he comes back and tells me he was mistaken, he had them all. I refrain from making any comment.

That night I relay the story to my husband who says "Behind every good man is a woman rolling her eyes."

So I Tweeted it... LOL and so far that tweet has been mentioned in three blogs! How funny is that? Even funnier that they didn't even know where it originated from.

Then I finally made it onto @RubySpikes weekly Top 10 post (it took a little lobbying): This Week in Tweets: Three Times as Nice

And then today I stumble over @ExtremelyAvg's blog: Tweeting is Easy

I love Twitter :)

Photography Challenge Day 3: Clouds

The third challenge of the 30 Day Photography Challenge is Clouds. I was a little worried about this one, since clouds are somewhat infrequent here in Arizona. Then lo and behold I looked out and saw all of these! I couldn't help but post all of the best shots I got. :)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Photography Challenge Day 2: What you wore today

This one was hard... I am assuming that I have to take all of the pictures in the 30 Day Photography Challenge. It was hard enough taking a picture of my face for the Self-Portrait, but taking a picture of what I was wearing... well I ended up with a lot of awful shots. :)

Note to self: Clean the mirrors in the bathroom a) more often or b) at least before you take pictures in them.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Humorous Blogger Award

My dear friend Matt Conlon has awarded me the Humorous Blogger Award. He's such a sweetheart! His blog is funny and I love his IT cartoons. You should check it out.

The requirements are that I tell what impact humor has had on my life, and I must award the Cat's Ass to another blogger who I feel deserves it.

Humor has had a huge impact on my life. If you've met me, or even just know me online, you'll probably soon figure out that while I love to laugh, I enjoy making others laugh even more. I use humor to help me deal with difficult issues in my life and to help others with problems in theirs. Someone once said that if you're going to laugh about it later, you may as well laugh about it now. Life is ironic. It's funny. It's ruled by Murphy's Law, and long ago I determined that I would try to work with Murphy's Law and not against it. 

I've cracked jokes at funeral homes,while getting chemo and during the long hours of labor. I've made others laugh when I thought my world was ending, and brought laughter to times ruled by tears. Most times, I am the butt of my own jokes. That's who I am, that's how I deal with life.

There are several humorous blogs I follow...

This is not that Blog one of my favorites. Midget Man of Steel is another. I always enjoy Little Animation and Sarcasm 101. And there's the wildly popular Bloggess. Just to name a few.

However the blogger I have chosen to pass this award on to is my friend Tim, aka 12threefour. I love his writing style - super sarcastic and often completely off the wall. He never fails to make me laugh. Tim has also been a good Tweep and he is much appreciated by me. You should go check out his blog at

Thanks Tim. And thank you again Matt :)

Monday, July 4, 2011


Children go through a lot of different phases. Angie is only 4, so I have only begun to scratch the surface, I'm sure. Some of these phases are good, some are... uh... not so great...

The cute baby phase.

Not sure what to call this phase.

The Oh My God, Mom is a Tigger Phase.

The I can sit and I'm cool phase.

The Crawling Phase.

Which is followed by the penned up phase.

The walking phase.

The suspicious phase.

The Broccoli Phase. 

The Rawr phase.

The cheesy smile phase.

The drama phase.

The learning to walk in heels phase.

The nose picking phase.

The uh... trashy phase?

The fascination with shoes phase.

The computer phase.

The musician phase.

The singer phase.

The pool shark phase.

The Skater Girl phase.

The Crate Training phase. Wait... 

The Supermodel/Evil phase.

The Shutterbug phase.

The Biker Girl phase.

The Biker Girl Fairy phase.

The Princess phase.

The potty training phase.

The tea party phase.

The Grease Monkey phase.

The body art experiment phase.

The Yoga phase.

The Mardi Gras phase.

The creepy life-sized doll phase.

The bikini phase.

The modeling phase.

The Disco Queen phase.

The Fibbing phase. "Charlie messed up my room."

The Burlesque phase.

The self-expression phase.

The poses for Mom now phase.

The Mommy's Girl phase.

The Daddy's Girl phase.

The Lego phase.

The baking phase.

The attitude phase.

The I want to help phase.
I expect to revisit many of these several times actually. Some of these are cute in her preschool years, but will be the end of me when she's a teenager...